Video used to be highly produced, big productions, says Ken Natori, president at lingerie brand The Natori Co.

Ken Natori, president, The Natori Co.
“Videos were completely controlled by us,” Natori says. “They had high production budgets and involved carefully curated and intentional content. That was the past.”
Now, Natori says shorter, user-generated-content videos are more popular with consumers. The brand works with influencers and features some of those videos at the bottom of its homepage.
“There’s a much greater appetite from consumers to see video not intentionally curated by the brand but more curated by other people,” Natori says. “There’s more appetite for video, and videos are more plentiful. The technology makes it much easier to post videos from a number of different sources.”
Natori uses video commerce vendor Firework and artificial intelligence software vendor Agora for video and livestreaming content. Natori says he can record video and use Firework’s app to launch livestreams on its website. He plans to use video to give consumers a “behind-the-scenes” view of products and experiences.
The retailer plans to work with more social media influencers in the future as well as film more instructional/styling content. The retailer also plans to give shoppers an inside look with more “casual videos,” he says. He plans to film parts of a supplier trip to the Philippines in the coming weeks to give consumers a look at how Natori’s products are sourced.
“The technology allows us to be creative quickly and easily,” he says.